Members of the UPLC are appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas.  The current members are:

UPL Committee Members

Ann Hennis
Spring Branch, Texas

Term expires: 9/30/2026

Leland C. de la Garza
Vice Chair
Dallas, Texas

Term expires: 9/30/2024

Clinton W. Lewis
Attorney Member
Beaumont, Texas

Term expires: 9/30/2025

Lauri Baker
Public, Non-Attorney Member
League City, Texas

Term expires 9/30/2024

Mary Jo Hamill Cantu
Attorney Member
Houston, Texas

Term expires: 9/30/2024

James N. Rader
Attorney Member
Austin, Texas

Term expires: 9/30/2025

Walter L. Jones
Public, Non-Attorney Member
Houston, Texas

Term expires: 9/30/2025

Janet Diaz
Public, Non-Attorney Member
Houston, Texas

Term expires 9/30/2026

The UPL Committee has appointed the following regional chairpersons:

Northern Region
(Districts 1, 6, 7, 8B, 13 & 14)

Deborah K. Hartley
Ross & Hartley, P.C.
800 E. Border St., Ste 340
Arlington, Texas 76010

Southern Region
(Districts 11, 12)

John Williamson
815 Ridgewood at Los Ebanos Blvd.
Brownsville, Texas 78520

Western Region
(Districts 16, 17)


Central Region
(Districts 8C, 9, 10 and 15)


Eastern Region
(Districts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8A)

Travis Normand
P.O. Box 9166
College Station, Texas 77842

For a list of Subcommittee Chairs, click the "Subcommittees" link below. To find the subcommittee that covers a particular geographic area, please click here to view a complete list of subcommittees by county.